Cēsu rudens 2022


nameAustris Kalniņš
clubAzimuts OK-Sm BJSS
* Lap time
S - 10:04:291
1 - 20:04:591
2 - 30:10:281
3 - 40:02:561
4 - 50:03:591
5 - 60:03:111
6 - 70:04:531
7 - 80:07:451
8 - 90:01:291
9 - 100:02:231
10 - 110:06:231
11 - 120:03:171
12 - 130:04:331
13 - 140:03:341
14 - 150:04:131
15 - 160:01:491
16 - 170:02:071
17 - 180:02:071
18 - 190:02:111
19 - 200:02:051
20 - 210:00:201
21 - F 0:00:381
nameAustris Kalniņš
* Elapse time
- 10:04:291
- 20:09:281
- 30:19:561
- 40:22:521
- 50:26:511
- 60:30:021
- 70:34:551
- 80:42:401
- 90:44:091
- 100:46:321
- 110:52:551
- 120:56:121
- 131:00:451
- 141:04:191
- 151:08:321
- 161:10:211
- 171:12:281
- 181:14:351
- 191:16:461
- 201:18:511
- 211:19:111
- F 1:19:491
nameAustris Kalniņš
* Cruising speed index
* Mistake ratio
nameAustris Kalniņš
* Leg speed index evaluated from best 3 laps (100=average of best3)
S - 1100.0
1 - 2100.0
2 - 3100.0
3 - 4100.0
4 - 5100.0
5 - 6100.0
6 - 7100.0
7 - 8100.0
8 - 9100.0
9 - 10100.0
10 - 11100.0
11 - 12100.0
12 - 13100.0
13 - 14100.0
14 - 15100.0
15 - 16100.0
16 - 17100.0
17 - 18100.0
18 - 19100.0
19 - 20100.0
20 - 21100.0
21 - F 100.0
average 100.0
nameAustris Kalniņš
* Leg mistake time (negative value=very good)
S - 10:00:00
1 - 20:00:00
2 - 30:00:00
3 - 40:00:00
4 - 50:00:00
5 - 60:00:00
6 - 70:00:00
7 - 80:00:00
8 - 90:00:00
9 - 100:00:00
10 - 110:00:00
11 - 120:00:00
12 - 130:00:00
13 - 140:00:00
14 - 150:00:00
15 - 160:00:00
16 - 170:00:00
17 - 180:00:00
18 - 190:00:00
19 - 200:00:00
20 - 210:00:00
21 - F 0:00:00
total 0:00:00
* Ideal finishing time without mistake
nameAustris Kalniņš
clubAzimuts OK-Sm BJSS

Made with LapCombat Ver.2